Guido Mocafico is a renowned Italian photographer known best for his photographic still lifes.
His subject matter is varied, but the style remains the same: visually stunning and beautifully composed.

(Images via modelsown, modelsown, trendland, theanatomist, theinvisibleagent)
Guido Mocafico’s still life work is photography that looks almost like a hyper realistic painting. With careful lighting and intricate placement decisions, the antique style of his subject matter and composition lend the work an air of age and sophistication.
(Images via dailyicon, pigeonvintage, myfutureme, iainclaridge)
By carefully choosing his subjects, Guido Mocafico is able to take incredibly mundane objects and celebrate them visually. One would not normally be intrigued by the workings of a clock, but for some reason Guido’s work makes something as simple as a pocket watch seem like a laudable work of art.
(Images via artnet, obsessionphoto, theinspiration, artnet, journeysofmangonett)
Doing a still life of a living creature can’t be easy, but Mocafico is known for it. His images of giant spiders are creepy and beautiful at the same time.
(Images via pichaus, sprayblog, featureshoot)
Anyone who is not a fan of snakes may shudder at these photos, but it’s hard to deny the beauty of their various colorations. It’s clear that Mocafico chooses his subject with incredible care, and this makes even the most mundane content into something gorgeous.
(Images via creativereview, modelsown)
These flowers seem like something that could be found painted on a museum wall, and the fact that these are photos makes them an interesting demonstration of photographic technique.
(Images via rsvppost, clickblog, picocool, bruceandshawn)
Jellyfish are not the most still subjects, but Mocafino displays them frozen in time, as if they were statues. Their beautiful colors are made even more astounding against the pitch black background, and it’s hard not to wonder how Mocafino was able to capture them so clearly on film.
(Images via thecoolist, hommestar, twistedsifter, thecoolist, yummyink)
The beauty of everyday (and not so everyday) objects are a Guido Mocafino specialty, as one can see from his study of guns. When looking at something like a gun as a work of art, it seems to become one, as the beautiful lines and fine craftsmanship seem to contradict the purpose of the weapons.
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