Classic Art in Legos

(images via: neatorama, knoxnews, oilpaintingsgallery, prints.conz)
It is always interesting to see a new spin on an old classic. Even in Lego form, Edward Hopper’s Nighthawks emanates an air of loneliness an desolation. The mood of The Starry Night by Vincent Van Gogh is also, surprisingly enough conveyed through the Lego reproduction. Other classic works of art have also been beautifully reproduced in Legos, including Leonardo da Vinci’s Mona Lisa and The Last Supper and Grant Wood’s American Gothic.Artistic Architecture

(images via: rawartint, jeffsmith02)
The Taj Mahal is an amazing work of art in itself. A replica of this grand and universally admired structure was recreated in Legos and was a masterpiece. Models of other famous buildings and structures have also been built from Legos, such as Washington D.C. landmarks and the Luxor Hotel in Las Vegas.Famous Photos Legoized

(stylecrave, balakov, designverb)
Mike Stimpson is a photographer and artist who enjoys taking his own amazing pictures and recreating famous pictures with Legos. He has recreated the photo of the child who became universally known as “The Afghan Girl” after she appeared on the cover of National Geographic, the famous WWII Navy photo, “The Kiss,” the first moonwalk and many others.Films and DVD Covers Portrayed in Legos

(images via: deviantart)
DVD covers, CD covers and scenes from favorite movies have also been recreated using Legos. The effect is humorous and playful yet still remarkably good. The Lego Kill Bill DVD covers are particularly stunning and seem to capture the expression of the original artwork, with an added smirk.Lego’d Statues and Monuments

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