Top 10 Hottest Haunted spots in the world

Outside the Bermuda Triangle or Catacombe in french, there are still hundreds or thousand haunted spots spread across our planet. Here`s I compile 10 hottest haunted spots that is rarely discussed in the website
1.Palmyra island
2. Concentration Camp Unit 731 Manchuria, Harbin, China
3.Dracula Castle, Romania
4. Winchester Mystery House, San Jose, California
5.Whitechapel, East London
6.Auschwitz-Birkenau Concentration Camp, Poland
7.Changi Beach
8.Screaming Tunnel
9.Babenhausen Museum
10.The Screaming Bridge of Maud Hughes Road
1. Palmyra island
scariest place on earth Palymra Island Pacific Ocean Top 10  Hottest Haunted spots in the world
Palymra Island Pacific Ocean
The Palmyra island is located in the southeast of Kingman Reef and north of Kiribati Line Islands. It was used since world war II as a toxin dump area and the material is eaten by fishes around the island. There is loads of shark in the water around the island and around 2-5 people killed every month. The fish, the plant, the water and the air of Palmyra island is full of toxins ,death, include fierce paranormal activities.
2. Concentration Camp Unit 731 Manchuria, Harbin, China
scariest place on earth Concentration camp Unit 731 Manchuria Harbin China Top 10  Hottest Haunted spots in the world
Concentration Camp Unit 731 Manchuria
Concentration Camp Unit 731 was used by Japanese armies to kill China rebellions. Around 3000 Chinese killed every day during the Japanese invasion and 250,000 other people were detained to death. All these misery are replay almost every night here.
3. Dracula Castle, Romania
scariest place on earth Dracula Castle Romania Top 10  Hottest Haunted spots in the world
Dracula Castle of Romania was the house of Vlad Dracula. When he fought against Turks armies, he often used the underground of this castle as a prison and tortured chamber for the turks. Vlad Dracula is known for the sadistic and impaling torture. Because of his cruelty, he also called Vlad the Impaler. This Castle was a witness for the unresting souls of the Turks and they often return here every night.
4.. Winchester Mystery House, San Jose, California
scariest place on earth Winchester Mystery House San Jose California Top 10  Hottest Haunted spots in the world
Winchester Mystery House, San Jose
scariest place on earth Winchester Mystery House San Jose California Nowadays Top 10  Hottest Haunted spots in the world
Winchester Mystery House.Now
This mystery house was owned and built by Sarah Winchester, a widow of munition companies director.During her life, Sarah was rarely happy.It was said that her misery came from the curse of the people on world war who dead by the gunpowder that her husband had been sold. To pause the curse , according to his priest, she had to build this house continuously or else, she would dead. To follow the message, she kept building the house with new windows and doors until the end of her life.Consequently, this house is similar like a puzzle house.There are loads of windows and doors in the house and the number is uncertain.
5. Whitechapel, East London
scariest place on earth Whitechapel East London Top 10  Hottest Haunted spots in the world
Whitechapel seems having a destiny to be one of the most cursed area in the world.since the early of 19th century, thousand of murders, rape and mutilation occurred in this are here. The famous serial murders , Jack The Ripper, also stunt his terror in this area. The dead victims were not ready to die and they often return to this place to claim their avenge
6. Auschwitz-Birkenau Concentration Camp
scariest place on earth Auschwitz Birkenau Concentration Camp Poland Top 10  Hottest Haunted spots in the world
Auschwitz Birkenau Concentration Camp.Poland
There are thousand sad stories and tragedies kept in this camp. Thousand Jews were killed and most of them did not know what they had done so they deserve to get the deadly penalty. Auschwitz-Birkenau Concentration Camp is a museum now. If you want taste little memory of the victims of Auschwitz-Birkenau, visit the camp after the sun down
7. Changi beach
changibeach Top 10  Hottest Haunted spots in the world
Changi beach
This island was another witness of Japanese armies cruelty. During the Japanese invasion in Singapore on world war II, this island was used as an island to complete Sook Ching operation.Thousand of Chinese local transported here and murdered. The scream and the cries is still often heard in the dark night
8. Screaming Tunnel
screamingtunnel Top 10  Hottest Haunted spots in the world
This tunnel is located in Niagara Falls, Ontario, Canada. According to local people, Screaming Tunnel gets its name from different legend and of the legend says that this tunnel witnessed a young girl who was burned alive inside the tunnel.some people who is trying to lit a matchstick inside the tunnel sometimes heard the scream of a gild as if she throws to death
9. Bachelor’s Grove Cemetery
bachelorsgrovecemtery Top 10  Hottest Haunted spots in the world
bachelors grove cemtery
Bachelor’s Grove Cemetery is an inactive cemetery in Chicago. This old cemetery is known for the spiritual energy and satanic rituals activities. In 1991, an infrared camera captured a white lady sitting around the area
10. The Screaming Bridge of Maud Hughes Road
screamingbridgeofmaudhughesroad Top 10  Hottest Haunted spots in the world
Screaming Bridge of Maud Hughes Road
Maud Hughes Road Bridge in the Liberty Township, Ohio, is believed to be famous haunted spot by many people who live in this area. Some people already lost their lives here after committed suicide jumping from the bridge. Some unlucky people sometimes seeing Black hooded figures and a phantom train on this area. it is Clearly one of the most haunted place in Ohio

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