Top 10 World`s Bizarre Competitions

Here`s the list of 10 bizarre competitions in the world.
10. Baby Crawling Marathon, Cali, Colombia
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Baby Crawling Marathon
Baby Crawling Marathon  or “Maraton de Gateadores” was held in 2005 and 1,122 applied to participate the game. The game was initiated by the municipal health ministry and it was done to promote health and athleticism in infants in Colombia
9. Mud Soccer Competition Hyrynsalmi, Finland
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Mud Soccer Competition
Mud Soccer competition has no offside, no penalty box and unlimited substitutions are applied on the game. All participants are allowed to weird any costume they want and the game are timed 2 by 25 minutes. The soccer field is on 60 x 35 meters swampy area. The game it self was done in 2008 to celebrate 10th annual Mud Soccer World competitions.
8. World Egg Throwing Championship ( Swanton-UK)
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World Egg Throwing Championship
World Egg Throwing Championship is held in Swaton of England every year since 2006. The game is classified into 4 different games; throw and catch,egg-static relay, egg trebuchet and egg Russian roulette. Each game  has different rule and different number of team but the main rule is the same. One team that saved more egg  is the winner
7. Palm Tree Trunk Climbing Competition (Indonesia)
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Palm Tree Trunk Climbing Competition
Palm Tree Trunk Climbing Competition or Panjat pinang is famous annual competition to celebrate the Independence day of Indonesia (17 August) . A team of 4 men/women climb a Palm Tree that is already greased and they tried to get the rewards on top of the palm tree. The competition could take one hour or two depend on the speed and the skill of  the participants.
6. Toe Wrestling Competition ( Derbyshire, UK)
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Toe Wrestling Competition
Toe Wrestling Competition is competed since 1976 and it was started from one pub in Wetton, Derbyshire. The one who could lock and force their opponent’s toe to the ground win the game. The game was tried to be included in  Olympic Games in 1997 but unfortunately, it was not accepted.
5. Gurning Competition (Cumbria ,England)
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Gurning Competition
Gurning Competition was started since 1267 when King Henry III ruled England. A contestant with the greatest gurn capabilities or a participant who have no teeth often won the game. Peter Jackman is one of them. He was willing to remove his teeth to win gurning competitions.During his life, he won 4 times gurning competitions and in UK, he is known as England’s best-known gurner.
4. Hot Water Bottle Nose Bust Competition (Tbilisi, Georgia)
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Hot Water Bottle Nose Bust Competition
Jemal Tkeshelashvili, 18-year-old, is recorded as the quickest hot water bottle burst-er in 2009. During the competition, He could blew 3 hot water bottles in 23 seconds, 16 seconds and 13 seconds. His record is better than what Brian Jackson from the United States did in April 2006 when he blew a hot water bottle more than 51 seconds
3. Wolf-whistle Contest, Fermanagh town, Ireland
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Wolf-whistle Contest
Wolf-whistle Contest was done in 2009 and the game involved men and plenty of beautiful women. One lady was picked as the judge and the winner was the best who can whistling better and longer than the other.
2. High Heel Marathon ( Milan)
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High Heel Marathon
Recently, High Heel Marathon was contested in Milan  and the best 3 winner would bring  a pair of sandals from Manolo Blanik. Each participant should wear 7 cm by 1.5 cm diameter heels to follow the competition. The rule was very basic, the fastest is the winner. Cost of injury was not the responsible of the committee
1. Unemployment Championship ( New York, US)
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Unemployment Championship
The game was held in March 31 2009 by several computer programmer from New York. Unemployment Championship or Unemployment Olympics was meant to lift the spirit of many jobless persons in the city. The game start from Pin The Blame On The Boss ,running to cardboard unemployment office, striking a pinata with an office phone, and Phone Skee-Ball game.
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