Bridges are constantly exposed to the elements, sitting outdoors as they do in all types of climates and in every kind of weather. It is a wonder that before now no one has thought to harness these massive man-made structures for harnessing natural eco-friendly power. The Solar Wind bridge concept would take advantage of a particular bridge’s location and altitude to capture two separate types of green energy.

Although automotive bridges are part of an infrastructure that can not exactly be called eco-friendly, they are often in unique positions to capture plenty of sun and wind. Their necessary elevation and, of course, their constant exposure to the sun means that they make ideal collectors of solar and wind energy.

This bridge design was meant for s specific site in Italy. As part of the Solar Park Works – Solar Highway competition which asked for designers to remake a section of decommissioned elevated highway between Bagnera and Scilla, three designers put their heads together to come up with this innovative idea. Francesco Colarossi, Giovanna Saracino and Luisa Saracino saw the potential in the bridge’s location due to its constant battering by crosswinds and its exposure to the lush Mediterranean sun.

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