Top 10 Biggest Earthquakes Ever Happen in the World’s History

Almost every year we heard together how this planet move, shaking up, shifting and killed thousand of lives on top of earthquake is unpredictable. It comes often with no warning. Some earthquake collaborate with Tsunami and that makes his killing score rise up to hundreds of thousands lives. This is 10 biggest earthquakes ever happen in this world. All of them had been taking more then 100 thousand lives while it happened.

10.Shaanxi, China: 1556

Top 10 deadliest earthquake 1 Top 10 Biggest Earthquakes Ever Happen in the World’s History
Shaanxi, China: 1556
In 1556, this place was hit by enormous 8.0 earthquake.More then 820.000 peoples had killed by the earthquake. Some historians said this earthquake ruin thousand of yaodongs ( traditional Chinese shelter) and that was killing thousand of peoples that lived in it

09. Indian Ocean: December 26, 2004

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Indian Ocean: December 26, 2004
This is the only Deadliest earthquake that was followed by modern broadcasting media.a 9.1 Richter scale earthquake happened under the Indian Ocean and it was triggering giant tsunami and it hit near islands.the Tsunami wave hit Indonesia, east Asian, Thailand, Australia and up to Alaska. The earthquake was so big so that 280,000 people had to feel the pain and lost their life.

08. Haiyuan and Tansghan China: 1976 and 1920

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Haiyuan and Tansghan China: 1976 and 1920
A monster struck this area in 1920 and 1976. This deadly earthquake took 240,000 peoples in 1920 and killed 770,000 in 1976. Along this victims, two communist leaders Tse-tung and prime minister Zhou Enlai met their end of live on a same year. Most people in this region considered that this 2 earthquakes were Omens that came to end era of tyrannies

07.Aleppo, Syria: 1138.

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Aleppo, Syria: 1138.
This is the fist major earthquake that happened during a crusade war. This 12th century earthquake was unpredictable and had killed 230,000 Muslims and Christians.This earthquake side with no Muslims or Christians and 1138-1139 was a sad year for both peoples.

06.Ardabil and Damghan, Iran: 856 and 893

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Ardabil and Damghan, Iran: 856 and 893
There was a huge earthquake happened in Damghan, Iran in 856 and it was killing 150,000 casualties. 40 years after hit, another giant earthquake came back to Iran now in Ardabil regions and took 137,000 peoples who was living on that area.

05 Hokkaido, Japan: 1730

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Hokkaido, Japan: 1730
Seismically, Hokkaido Island is situated on top of moving earth plate and it is still active since hundreds of years ago. In 1730, this island hit by a big earthquake and tsunami that was killing 137,000 peoples who were not aware of that incoming disaster.

04.Ashgabat, Turkmenistan: 1948

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Ashgabat, Turkmenistan: 1948
When a killing earthquake happened in this area in 1948. Turkey involved in a war with Uni soviet and this area was occupied by them. This earthquake took 110,000 lives of the people and it was worsen because the USSR leader who was in charge on that area denied those number of casualties

03.Great Kanto, Japan: 1923

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Great Kanto, Japan: 1923
On this year, People in the city of great kanto Japan, experienced a real nightmare that not only scared most people who lived on that area but also killed them painfully. An unexpected Earthquake happened togather with a strong typhoons on that year and it took100.000 peoples lives who was living on that area. A 93-ton statue of great Buddha fallen and thousand of casualties burned alive inside their house.

02.Messina, Italy: 1908

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Messina, Italy: 1908
In the first decade of 1900, Messina was hit by a giant earthquake plus a strong forty feet tsunami. This catastrophe killed 100.000 peoples around messina and several islands around the city. The death tools are always remembered till today

1.Lisbon, Portugal: 1755

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Lisbon, Portugal: 1755
In 1755, without warnings and without a sign., a deadly earthquake and tsunami came and shook the capital city. Unexpected 100.000 citizens had killed during the disaster. That was the worst disaster in the history of this country

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