top 10 most Bizarre Taxes in the world

I think everyone already heard this old saying “nothing is certain but death and taxes”. Without tax, we wont see a country.we won`t see police around and we won`t see paved road on the street. Tax is very old tradition. We could find tax history since hundreds of years ago and this is 10 most bizarre taxes in the world so far.
10 Card Tax.

most weird tax 10 top 10 most Bizarre Taxes in the world
Card tax
Card tax was available in 16th-17th century under the reign of James I of England. People who played card should pay small amount of money to the king or they could go top prison. Card tax regulation was ended in 1960 and people can play card for free since that time.
09.Candy Tax

most weird tax 9 top 10 most Bizarre Taxes in the world
Candy tax

You can find candy tax when you are staying temporarily around Illinois state.Local government of Illinois started to regulate candy tax since September, 2009. The classification of candy and not candy is pretty weird. Only “an item or food contains flour or requires refrigeration” that is classified candy. 08.Jock tax

most weird tax 8 top 10 most Bizarre Taxes in the world
Jock tax

Jock tax applied to people who work as professional athletes.Although their salary is not stable, government feels have a right to take some cut from all earning they made on their state. You can find more information about this on Wikipedia. 07 Cowardice Tax

most weird tax 7 top 10 most Bizarre Taxes in the world
Cowardice tax

If you lived in years 1100-1500, you can chose not to fight for the king on a battlefield after paying extra money to him. Cowardice tax was levied under the reign of King Henry I and King John. This tax was no longer continued once Magna carta was signed 06. Hat Tax

most weird tax 6 top 10 most Bizarre Taxes in the world
Hat tax

Hat used to be a symbol of prosperity on the old time. During 1784 to 1811, new tax law was levied by, first ministry of British government, Pitt the Younger. The hat tax applied to hat retailers and the amount was around two pounds in London and five shillings in other cities. Death penalty would be reserved to forgers who was trying not to pay their tax. 05. Window Tax

most weird tax 5 top 10 most Bizarre Taxes in the world
window tax

Window tax was levied in kingdoms of England, Scotland, and Great Britain on 17th and 18th centuries.Window tax applied to people who has had a flat-rate house and a house with 10 windows or above. This tax was available for 200 years and it was stopped in 1851. 04. Beard Tax.

most weird tax 4 top 10 most Bizarre Taxes in the world
Beird tax
This weird tax was levied during the reign of King Henry VIII of England in 1535. Beard tax was also levied in Russia during the reign of Tsar Peter I in 1715. Peoples who paid the Berd tax would received a copper or silver token with two different inscriptions phrases on it. The one side was inscribed “the beard tax has been taken”phrases and the other side was “the beard is a superfluous burden”
03. Crack Tax

most weird tax 3 top 10 most Bizarre Taxes in the world
Crack tax

Crack tax is collected from cocaine, marijuana and moonshine dealers who do business in State of Tennessee. A drug dealer could get out from a jail once they paid their crack tax to the state of revenue office. The amount is unknown but it is considered profitable since the regulation was levied in January, 2005. 02. Fart Tax

most weird tax 2 top 10 most Bizarre Taxes in the world
Fart Tax

The fart tax planned to levy cow farmers in New Zealand after research found that the cow farmers contribute 50% of the greenhouse gas emissions. The regulation was introduced in 2003 but it was lucky that Labor of government eventually dropped the regulation 01 Urine tax.

most weird tax 1 top 10 most Bizarre Taxes in the world
Urine tax

Urine tax was levied in the 1st century during the reign of Roman emperors Nero and Vespasian. The tax was applied to urine collectors who was collected urine from public latrines and used it for several purposes such as tanning, teeth whitener, whiten woolen togas and many more. When Titus ( son of vespasian) complained about the stupid tax regulation, he said “Pecunia non olet” or money does not stink.

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